When texting, ALR stands for “A Lot More.” It’s a way of saying that you want to continue the conversation and would like to chat more.

1. ALR is an acronym for “all lines are reserved.”

2. ALR is used in text messages to let the recipient know that the sender has put the call on hold and is waiting for them to finish their conversation.

3. ALR is a polite way to let the other person know that you’re still on the line and they should hurry up.

4. ALR is used most commonly in business settings, but can also be used in personal conversations.

5. There is no one definitive meaning for ALR, as it can be interpreted differently depending on the context.

6. If you’re not sure what ALR means, you can ask the person who sent it to you.

7. There are a number of other acronyms that can be used in place of ALR, such as BRB (be right back), TLDR (too long, didn’t read), and AFK (away from keyboard).

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