2 tablespoons is equivalent to 30 ml. This is a common measurement for liquids, especially in recipes. When measuring, be sure to use a utensil that can accurately measure tablespoons, such as a tablespoon or a measuring cup with markings in tablespoons.

  • 1. A tablespoon is a unit of volume that is equal to three teaspoons.
  • 2. A teaspoon is a unit of volume that is equal to one-half a tablespoon.
  • 3. A milliliter is a unit of volume that is equal to one-thousandth of a liter.
  • 4. To convert tablespoons to milliliters, divide the number of tablespoons by three.
  • 5. To convert teaspoons to milliliters, divide the number of teaspoons by two.
  • 6. To convert milliliters to tablespoons, multiply the number of milliliters by three.
  • 7. To convert milliliters to teaspoons, multiply the number of milliliters by two.

Conversion between tablespoons and milliliters:

A tablespoon is equivalent to 15 milliliters, while two tablespoons are equivalent to 30 milliliters.

How many milliliters are in two tablespoons?

There are 30 milliliters in two tablespoons.

What is the volume of a tablespoon?

A tablespoon is equivalent to 1/2 fluid ounce, or about 15 milliliters.

How many tablespoons in a cup?

There are three tablespoons in a standard U.S. cup.

How many cups in a liter?

There are eight cups in a liter.

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